Writing your own custom reporter
If you don't want to use cavy-cli to handle your tests results, you can pass in your own custom reporter.
By default, Cavy will send a test report to cavy-cli if it detects it is running. However, passing your own custom reporter function as a prop into the Tester component overrides this functionality - Cavy will call your function with the test report as an argument instead of sending the results to cavy-cli.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import App from './app';
import { Tester, TestHookStore } from 'cavy';
import IntegrationSpecs from './specs/IntegrationSpecs';
// Extra import for your-custom-reporter:
import YourCustomReporter from 'your-custom-reporter';
const testHookStore = new TestHookStore();
class TestableApp extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Tester specs={IntegrationSpecs}
// Pass your reporter into the Tester component
// with the `reporter` prop:
AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => TestableApp);
For a real example of a custom test reporter, check out Cavy Native Reporter, which reports test results to native Android or iOS test runners: