Reporting to iOS XCTest (Objective C)
To set up your own XCTestCase that makes use of cavy-native-reporter
- Open your project's
) in Xcode. - In the Project navigator view, navigate to the folder containing your XCTest test cases.
- Create a new test case (select New File -> Unit Test Case Class).
- Import
- Write a test.
Taking the sample app as an example, we have an XCTestCase BridgeTest
waits for Cavy tests to run and fails if any test returns an error:
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import <CavyNativeReporter/CavyNativeReporter.h>
@interface BridgeTest : XCTestCase
@implementation BridgeTest
- (void)testBridge {
// Make a new expectation.
XCTestExpectation *expectation = [[XCTestExpectation alloc] initWithDescription: @"Cavy tests passed"];
[CavyNativeReporter onFinishWithBlock: ^void(NSDictionary* report) {
// Pull the error count from the report object.
long errorCount = [report[@"errorCount"] integerValue];
// Fail if there are errors.
if (errorCount > 0) {
XCTFail(@"Cavy tests had one or more errors");
// Fulfill the expectation.
[expectation fulfill];
// Wait for expectation to fulfill.
[self waitForExpectations:@[expectation] timeout:100];